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  1. I believe that this needs to be updated ASAP. I actually do not recall being able to spin the wheel with JB coin
  2. On Fire! Only two days ago I had went on a near $600 profit run on six different games!!! Luckiest I have ever been on B.C GAME

  3. Living the dream in yet another day in paradise... How are you all doing today?

  4. Lets hear it for a Shit CODE! The real way to win a real LOAD.... This is where dreams come true and angels follow you.         


    Bring us a new Shit Code so we may succeed, with a little luck and faith we find what we need ♡♡♡

  5. More options in slot games. Optional lines choice or maybe a couple variations of slots games to play. Small side note as well, that being would like BAT as a crypto choice to gamble with.
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